Saturday, February 28, 2009

SXSW Interactive: 2009

For the past 4-5 years I've been wanting to go to SXSW Interactive (music and film as well...) but have never been able to afford the $495 to pay for the "badge." Lucky for me this year my wonderful boss Brian Liddiard was nice enough to pay my way as an opportunity for some continuing education to help improve my own person skill set as well as the companies reputua.

I am pretty excited to say the least. I'm really hoping to be able to run into a few people I've been following for the last 4-5 years (eh humm).

So for the past two days I've been spending some time going through the schedule and trying to figure out which aspects of the conference I want to make sure I don't miss. So if there is any chance that anyone else out there reading this is going let me know which things you are excited about seeing.


  1. Im so excited you get to have this opportunity. I am happy to see how much this makes you happy. You deserve it.

  2. I'm jealous man. I would love to go listen to some of the panels at sxswi.

  3. Come with me... It's not too late!


Feel free to share any comments or questions, however, I do reserve the right to delete off-topic, inflammatory, or anonymous comments.

Also if you try spamming my comments you will DEFINITELY be deleted as soon as I see it.